Saturday, August 11, 2012
Breeding Changes in 5th Gen
There were a few changes to breeding in 5ht gen and there are a few that are very very important to note on here.
The first one has to do with the Power items. You can only use 1 at a time now. So, while breeding your Pokemon you should only have 1 hold a Power item. The other Pokemon should be holding the Everstone to pass nature on to the offspring.
Everstone can be held by either gender to pass nature (I think that I had said this already).
DW females are the only ones that can pass DW abilities (I believe I included this also).
Another semi important change is the IV passing of parents. It used to be 2 from one and 1 from another parent no matter what, now it looks like this.
25% chance of inheriting 3 of Parent A's IVs and 0 of Parent B's IVs.
25% chance of inheriting 2 of Parent A's IVs and 1 of Parent B's IVs.
25% chance of inheriting 1 of Parent A's IVs and 2 of Parent B's IVs.
25% chance of inheriting 0 of Parent A's IVs and 3 of Parent B's IVs.
So you can get all 3 IVs from the same parent 25% of the time.
Just thought that everyone should know.
EV Training 104, Get 'Er Done
Okay let's train our Reuniclus to the max the hard way first, just so we can see both sides of the spectrum.
Main goal is to get a Reuniclus with max HP (252 EVs) and mixed defenses (124 Def and 132 S.Def)
252+124+132=508 That leaves our other 2 as leftovers giving us our max of 510!
The hard way (no items, no vitamins and no PKRS)-
Okay take your Reuniclus and fight 126 Stunfisk @ 2 HP a piece and reach 252.
Next to Pinwheel forest and fight 124 Sewaddle or Venipede @ 1 Def a piece and reach 124.
Now let's go to Driftveil city and fight 132 Frillish while surfing @ 1 S.Def a piece and reach 132.
Put the last 2 EVs into whatever you want and go to Opelucid to the house straight north of the Pokemon Center. There is a girl in the house that is wearing a white dress. Talk to her with your Reuniclus in the front of the party and she will tell you that it put in "Great Effort" and you know that it has all the EVs it can get!
So we fought 386 Pokemon and have ours EV trained. Yippy?
The fast sweet way (Power Items, Vitamins and PKRS)-
Okay we pass PKRS to our Reuniclus and take it to Opelucid. Go west to the mall. Go to the top left store and buy 10 HP UP, 10 Iron and 10 Zinc. Give all the items to Reuniclus and fly to Icarus City. Go to the pond and get ready to surf.
We are starting our training with 100 EVs in HP, Def and S.Def.
Give Reuniclus the Power Belt and fight 3 Stunfisk @ 4 HP and 8 Def a piece.
Give Reuniclus The Power Band and fight 4 Stunfisk @ 4 HP and 8 S.Def a piece.
We now have 128 HP {100+(3x4)+(4x4)} and 124 Def {100+(3x8)} and 132 S.Def {100+(4x8)}. So we need 124 more in HP (252-128).
Give Reuniclus the Power Weight and fight 11 Stunfisk @ 12 HP a piece.
Now when you go to Opelucid the girl will tell you that you are done.
So this time we fought a total of 18 Pokemon to complete our EV training. I don't care who you are......getting it done in 18 Pokemon rather than 386 is always a good deal.
That is pretty much it for EV training. If anyone has any questions feel free to message me with them or just ask in the Pokemasters of Fargo group page. There are plenty of people here that are more than willing to help.
p.s. Let me know if any of my numbers are off (I did this very quickly and don't want to proofread).
EV Training 103, Speeding Up The Process
There are many ways of speeding up the EV process and luckily they can all be used in conjunction with another. I will explain then one by one and then show you the speed that you can achieve by adding them all together.
The first and easiest way is spending money. You can buy 6 items (vitamins)to raise your stats, these items are HP UP (HP.....obviously), Protein (Att), Iron (Def), Calcium (S.Att), Zinc (S.Def) and Carbos (Spe). You can give these to your Pokemon at any time, but can only reach a maximum of 100 in each stat. So, let's say we use 10 HP Up on our Reuniclus, you now only need to EV train to get 152 more. Pretty sweet huh? But let's say that we fought 12 Stunfisk and then remembered to give our Pokemon the vitamins You will not be able to give it all 10 HP up at this point, you will only be able to get it to a maximum of 100 EV. So after 12 Stunfisk you already have 24 EVs you will be able to give your Reuniclus 8 of the HP UPs but will still only be at 100 EVs. Moral of the story......if you are gonna use Vitamins......use them first.
The Next way to increase training speed is with the Power Items. Power Items can be bought in the battle subway and are an amazing EVing bonus and almost necessity. The 6 Power Items are the Power Weight (HP), Power Bracer (Att), Power Belt (Def), Power Lens (S.Att), Power Band (S.Def)and Power Anklet (Spe). The Power Items add 4 EVs in the stat of the item you are holding, in addition to what you receive from the Pokemon. For example Reuniclus fighting Stunfisk While holding Power Weight will get 2 HP EVs from Stunfisk and 4HP EVs from the Weight. For a grand total of 6 HP EVs. Now let's say that we want to get some of our needed Def EVs while fighting Stunfisk. You would give your jelly covered teddy bear the Power Belt to get 2 HP EVs (Stunfisk) and 4 Def EVs (Item). The items make the process go so much faster.
-(I will note that the Power Item "Macho Brace" can also be used, but that only doubles the rate in which you get your EVs. So a Stunfisk gives you 2 points....the Macho Brace doubles that and you get only 4, not 6 like you would with the Power Weight).
Now on to the last key element of speeding up your EV training....... Pokerus (PKRS). The Pokerus is a virus that your Pokemon can get from fighting wild Pokemon, the best part about this virus is everything.....there is no downside at all. Before I explain the effects of PKRS I will tell you how to get and keep it. In the game it can be very hard to get the PKRS so I recommend getting it from a friend (I can trade a PKRS pokemon to anyone who needs one). Now your PKRS status is shown on your Pokemon's stat page, it stands out like a sore thumb. You will notice a PKRS written in purple when the PKRS is active. Now the effects of PKRS on that Pokemon will never go away, but the ability for that Pokemon to pass it to other Pokemon can go away in as little as 1 day. To keep PKRS you need to have your Pokemon with the PKRS in the box when midnight rolls around. Midnight is the magic hour that PKRS can change into a little Smiley face on your Pokemon's stat page. I recommend passing it to a bunch of Pokemon that you will leave in the box. To pass it you simply have the PKRS Pokemon in the first slot in your party and fight wild Pokemon. The Pokemon next to it has about a 1 in 4 chance of getting the PKRS after each battle. After 4 battles you will almost always have passed it on. Then if you fight a few more wild battles You will see that your 3rd Pokemon will have PKRS and so on. So, pass on the PKRS and keep dedicated PKRS passers in your box. With that explained the PKRS is very doubles every EV that you gain. So, Reuniclus with Power Weight and Stunfisk gives you 6 EVs....add on the PKRS and you get 12. It is that simple. Reuniclus with the Power Belt and Stunfisk is normally 4 for Belt and 2 for fisk.....add PKRS and it's 8 for Belt and 4 for fisk. Really sweet if you ask me.
I hope This all makes sense. In the next segment I will go through the full process with our Reuniclus and Tell you how to make sure that everything is done to its fullest.
EV training 102, EV Hotspots
Hot spots are the best way to fight the same Pokemon over and over that will give you the same EVs. Some locations are better than others and some people prefer other places than me, but this is my post, so you get to see what I like ;)
HP- Stunfisk (100%)- in the surfing areas of the puddles around Icarus City- Give 2 HP EV.
Att- Lilipup and Patrat (100%)- Route 1- Give 1 Att EV.
Def- Sewaddle and Venipede (50%)- Pinwheel forest- Give 1 Def EV.
S.Att- Litwick (100%)- Celestial Tower 2nd Floor- Give 1 S.Att EV.
S.Def- Frillish (100%)- Driftveil City (Surfing)- Give 1 S.Def EV.
Spe- Basculin (100%)- Route 1 (Surfing)- Give 2 Speed EVs.
These are the spots I recommend using. They help me get my training done in little time and with very little effort.
Next we'll get into strategies of getting your EV rates to increase and training at 5x the speed.
EV training 101, The Basics
Alright we go. Definitely the most beneficial thing in Pokemon training, the all powerful EV!!!!
First you need to know the basics. There can be a bit of math involved in the process, but I'll make it as simple as I can. We have a couple magic numbers to remember here....the numbers are 510 and 252. 510 is the maximum amount of EVs a Pokemon can have. 255 is the maximum that it can have in an individual stat.......but wait Josh......didn't you just say that 252 is the magic number and not 255?......... Why yes I did....but I said that I'd go over the basics and will explain why 252 is better than the maximum of 255.
So, let's just say that we are gonna Ev train our Reuniclus today. We want him to be bulky so we are going to do HP as one of our maxed EVs. We will go to Icarus city, go to a pond and surf. The only Pokemon we see here are Stunfisk (1HP EV). We fight 1 Stunfisk and we get 1 EV......what happens now?!? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! The way that EVs work is if you get 4 EVs (KO 4 Stunfisk in this scenario) then you will get 1 extra stat point. Let's put this on our Reuniclus......
We'll go with an odd set, just to make it interesting.
We have a total of 510 Evs to work with and we want to max out HP, so we will put 252 of the 510 into HP. You might be thinking that I am crazy and that you should put 255 into HP, but if you look at the math it makes sense my way. Like I said before, you get 1 stat point for every 4 EVs.....252 is the highest number that is divisible by 4. Giving you 63 extra stat points in that particular stat. If you were to go up to 255 the extra 3 EVs wouldn't be enough to give you the 1 extra point and would be wasted. With that said let's get back to Reuniclus.
510 total with 252 (divisible by 4 giving 63) in HP...that gives us 258 left to work with.
258 and let's throw 124 (divisible by 4 giving 31) into Def....that gives us 134 to work with.
134 and let's put 132 (divisible by 4 giving 33) into S.Def.....that gives us 2 to work with.
You will always have 2 EVs left over at the end. You can put them into whatever stat you want because it will make no difference to your final stats.
Okay, so we fight 252 Stunfisk and we have a maximum HP we need to get Def and S.Def taken care of. Stay tuned to find out where the EV hotspots are.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Breeding 104
Okay here comes a fun one, I hope that you are reading all of these before starting any breeding.
104 is gonna be based on getting the right nature. The best way to get the right nature is to find a Pokemon in your breeding group that already has it or breed useless Pokemon that is in your chain until you get one that is in your breeding group. Let's say that we want a Jolly nature on our Charmander.
So, you already have a Charmander that has 2 perfect stats, You could choose to breed this with your Ditto while holding the items over and over until you get the right nature, which could take 5 minutes or 3 days.
So, let's look through our boxes. Do we have a Dragonite or Char____ with a jolly nature. Woohooo!! We do have one!! Now we'll start a little differently, let's do the same process Jolly Dragonite wit D Dance and breed it with our Char____. Before we put it in the daycare we need to give the Dragonite an everstone. With an everstone in hand we have a 50% chance of passing that nature. So now we will have a Jolly D Dance Charmander. Let's breed it (with everstone in hand) with our ditto holding a Power Anklet (speed). Now get a Charmander with max Speed and a Jolly nature. Take that and give everstone and breed again with a your Ditto with Power Bracer (Att). You should pass the Att and nature most of the time....but the speed will pass less frequently. It will happen, but it will take a little longer than the other way.
The benefits of nature are better in almost all circumstances than the IVs, but both are so very important if you want to battle competitively.
So, here comes the wrap up..........
What have we learned?
Nature is passed 50% of the time by giving Everstone.
Power items are used to pass IVs from parent to child.
There is still a 3 in 12 chance of passing other stats (via the 2 from one and one from another parent mechanic).
Moves pass from the father.
Pokemon species passes from the mother.
Hope this has helped explain a few things. We'll get into training soon.
Breeding 103
Okay 103 is where we are gonna get a little deeper.
We are going to discuss IVs and how to pass them more easily. First let's explain what an IV even is. IVs are your Pokemon's Initial Values.....each Pokemon has 6 IVs, one for each stat. Your IVs can be anywhere from 0-31 with 0 being the worst (unless you want min speed for Trick Room Team) and 31 being the best. now let's just say that we have a ditto with 31 IVs in Att and Speed just to make explanations easy. So we take our Male Charmander with D Dance and get it ready to put it in with the Ditto. Before putting them in the daycare you need to get the power items (16BP a piece at the subway, get them all to make breeding and training easier). This can be done without the items, but takes much much longer without them.
We'll start with how the mechanics work. When breeding your parents will pass on a total of 3 stats, one parent will pass 2 stats while the other only passes one. The stats will be completely random, what will pass from either parent is unknown unless you use the items. That is all there is to it.
Now to do it right is by using the items, if you give your Ditto the Power Anklet (speed item) then it will have a very very high chance of passing the perfect speed stat that it has. Now you Take your D Dance Charmander and put it in the daycare with your ditto holding the Power Anklet. Now hatch eggs until you get a male Charmander with D Dance and a perfect speed stat (it will say Alert To Sounds in the Pokemon description). At this point you will take your Pokemon out of the daycare and take the Power anklet off of ditto and put it on your newly hatched D Dance perfect speed Charmander. Now since the ditto had both Att and Speed as a perfect stat we will give the Power Bracer to Ditto to pass the Att stat. Now we hatch eggs until you pop out a male Charmander with Max Att and Speed and still has the move D Dance.
All of your other IVs will be random as to what stat is chosen from the parents to pass and the other stats will just be a number thrown in there for fun. As you get your Pokemon that may be useable keep going to the subway to check the overall potential and you might be surprised to see a random perfect stat showing up somewhere else too!
Pretty sweet huh!?!
Breeding 102
Second class.......102.
Here we will discuss breeding moves and why it can be better to use breeding groups over Ditto. It is not always better to do it this way....and once your Pokemon is set up then you can use ditto ( that's what I usually do). So, here we go.
The Pokemon we chose are Charizard and Dragonite. Let's say we want Dragon Dance on our Charizard (not really a great option, but works well for this scenario). First you would need to have your female in the Char____ and a male Dragonite. To pass the move the Dragonite needs to know the intended move. So, if you don't have D Dance on Dragonite level him up until he learns it or use a Heart Scale if you already un-learned it. Once your Dragonite has D Dance you are ready to breed. Put your male Dragonite in the daycare with your female Char____ and ride your bike back and forth until they produce an egg. Once the egg hatches look at its moves and it will have D Dance.
What i do at this point is find a male Charmander that just hatched with your D Dance and put it in the daycare with Ditto. That way you will get the move and the breed that you want. Be careful at this point though, if your Pokemon remain in the daycare all the babies will have your move. But if your Pokemon is taken out of the daycare and the move has been forgotten by the parent then you need to place another parent with that move into the daycare.
Some Pokemon require chains to breed needing 3 or more Pokemon to get the intended move on your final Pokemon. To find breeding chains you can just type it into your google search bar or use (I love serebii).
Happy breeding!!
Breeding 101
Okay here comes your breeding 101 class.
First off the very basics.....What Pokemon do you want to breed?
For this example we will use Charizard. If you want a Charizard you are going to have to find a female Charmander, Charmeleon or Charizard and a compatible male in the breeding group. (Breeding groups can be found in multiple places, I like to use myself). For this example we will use Dragonite as the father. If you put your male Dragonite in the daycare with your female Charizard and ride your bike back and forth outside the daycare they will eventually produce an egg.
That is the very basic way of breeding. And can be made easier with a ditto. Ditto can breed with a male or female Charizard to create a baby charmander. Breeding a low tier pokemon is easy to do this way.
So, I just wanted there to be a post on here before I gave out the address to everyone in the league. This will be a new place for people to check dates of tournaments, rules, rulings, and all the other stuff that we will need to know to be more competitive as a group. I will be working on this site over the next week or two (we'll see how much time I get to work on it) to get it up to snuff. If there is anything that you feel is lacking from the site feel free to comment or let me know via Facebook and I'll see what I can do.
Happy Poke Hunting!!
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