Saturday, August 11, 2012

EV Training 103, Speeding Up The Process

There are many ways of speeding up the EV process and luckily they can all be used in conjunction with another. I will explain then one by one and then show you the speed that you can achieve by adding them all together.

The first and easiest way is spending money. You can buy 6 items (vitamins)to raise your stats, these items are HP UP (HP.....obviously), Protein (Att), Iron (Def), Calcium (S.Att), Zinc (S.Def) and Carbos (Spe). You can give these to your Pokemon at any time, but can only reach a maximum of 100 in each stat. So, let's say we use 10 HP Up on our Reuniclus, you now only need to EV train to get 152 more. Pretty sweet huh? But let's say that we fought 12 Stunfisk and then remembered to give our Pokemon the vitamins You will not be able to give it all 10 HP up at this point, you will only be able to get it to a maximum of 100 EV. So after 12 Stunfisk you already have 24 EVs you will be able to give your Reuniclus 8 of the HP UPs but will still only be at 100 EVs. Moral of the story......if you are gonna use Vitamins......use them first.

The Next way to increase training speed is with the Power Items. Power Items can be bought in the battle subway and are an amazing EVing bonus and almost necessity. The 6 Power Items are the Power Weight (HP), Power Bracer (Att), Power Belt (Def), Power Lens (S.Att), Power Band (S.Def)and Power Anklet (Spe). The Power Items add 4 EVs in the stat of the item you are holding, in addition to what you receive from the Pokemon. For example Reuniclus fighting Stunfisk While holding Power Weight will get 2 HP EVs from Stunfisk and 4HP EVs from the Weight. For a grand total of 6 HP EVs. Now let's say that we want to get some of our needed Def EVs while fighting Stunfisk. You would give your jelly covered teddy bear the Power Belt to get 2 HP EVs (Stunfisk) and 4 Def EVs (Item). The items make the process go so much faster.
-(I will note that the Power Item "Macho Brace" can also be used, but that only doubles the rate in which you get your EVs. So a Stunfisk gives you 2 points....the Macho Brace doubles that and you get only 4, not 6 like you would with the Power Weight).

Now on to the last key element of speeding up your EV training....... Pokerus (PKRS). The Pokerus is a virus that your Pokemon can get from fighting wild Pokemon, the best part about this virus is everything.....there is no downside at all. Before I explain the effects of PKRS I will tell you how to get and keep it. In the game it can be very hard to get the PKRS so I recommend getting it from a friend (I can trade a PKRS pokemon to anyone who needs one). Now your PKRS status is shown on your Pokemon's stat page, it stands out like a sore thumb. You will notice a PKRS written in purple when the PKRS is active. Now the effects of PKRS on that Pokemon will never go away, but the ability for that Pokemon to pass it to other Pokemon can go away in as little as 1 day. To keep PKRS you need to have your Pokemon with the PKRS in the box when midnight rolls around. Midnight is the magic hour that PKRS can change into a little Smiley face on your Pokemon's stat page. I recommend passing it to a bunch of Pokemon that you will leave in the box. To pass it you simply have the PKRS Pokemon in the first slot in your party and fight wild Pokemon. The Pokemon next to it has about a 1 in 4 chance of getting the PKRS after each battle. After 4 battles you will almost always have passed it on. Then if you fight a few more wild battles You will see that your 3rd Pokemon will have PKRS and so on. So, pass on the PKRS and keep dedicated PKRS passers in your box. With that explained the PKRS is very doubles every EV that you gain. So, Reuniclus with Power Weight and Stunfisk gives you 6 EVs....add on the PKRS and you get 12. It is that simple. Reuniclus with the Power Belt and Stunfisk is normally 4 for Belt and 2 for fisk.....add PKRS and it's 8 for Belt and 4 for fisk. Really sweet if you ask me.

I hope This all makes sense. In the next segment I will go through the full process with our Reuniclus and Tell you how to make sure that everything is done to its fullest.

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